Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Fwd: Press realese + pic sports day school
Respected sir
Govt Boys ser sec school shahabad Mohd.pur organized annual sports day 23.12.2009.
Deatils and pic in attach file
Naresh Lamba
Chairman ( Vidhayalya Kalyaan Samiti )
Monday, December 14, 2009
Chief Minister's Gift for Govt Employees
Shri Rattan Lal Kaushik
For The Public Information
Grant of Non-Functional pay scale of Rs.8000-275-13500 to Grade-I of Delhi Administration Subordinate Service (DASS) cadre, Senior Personal Assistant (Sr. P.A.) and also Grade-I(DASS) /Sr.P.A. who have been appointed to Ex-cadre post of DANICS on ad hoc basis, on completion of four years of regular service as Grade-I (DASS)/Sr. PA, w.e.f. 01.01.1996 on notional basis and actual benefits w.e.f.1.12.2006 – clarification regarding fixation of pension
The Non Functional Scale of Rs.8000-275-13500 was granted to the Grade-I of DelhiAdministration Subordinate Service (DASS) cadre, Senior Personal Assistant (Sr. P.A.) and also
Grade-I(DASS) /Sr.P.A. who have been appointed to Ex-cadre post of DANICS on ad hoc basis,
on completion of four years of regular service as Grade-I (DASS)/Sr. PA, on notional basis with
effect from 1.1.1996 and actual benefits with effect from 1.12.2006.
In accordance with Rules 33 and 34 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, the pension of a
retiring Government servant is calculated on the basis of the pay, which a Government servant
was receiving immediately before his retirement and the pay not actually drawn is not taken into
account for this purpose. As a result of application of these rules, Grade-I of Delhi
Administration Subordinate Service (DASS) cadre, Senior Personal Assistant (Sr. P.A.) and also
Grade-I(DASS) /Sr.P.A. who have been appointed to Ex-cadre post of DANICS on ad hoc basis,
who retired during the period from 1.1.1996 to 30.11.2006 could not get the benefit of the Non
Functional pay scale of Rs.8000-13500 in the matter of fixation of their pension.
The matter has been examined in this department in consultation with the Finance
Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, and it has been decided to allow the retired Gr. I (DASS)/Sr.
PA Officers and also Grade-I(DASS) /Sr.P.A. who have been appointed to Ex-cadre post of
DANICS on ad hoc basis, to draw pension on the notional pay fixed on account of grant of Non
Functional pre-revised pay scale of Rs.8000-275-13500 w.e.f.01.01.1996 on notional basis.
The average emoluments notionally drawn by a pensioner consequent on the above revision
will be taken into account for the purpose of computation of pension subject, of course, to the
condition that no arrears shall be paid for the period from 01.01.1996 to 30.11.2006 and the
pension with reference to the higher average emoluments shall actually be paid only with effect
from 01.12.2006. The benefits of gratuity, commutation of pension and leave encashment
becoming payable during 01.01.1996 to 30.11.2006 will be based on the actual pay/pension
drawn by the retired employee during that period.
Use of Guest Houses of Labour Deptt by Retd. Employees
- Delhi staff Members are can avail the Labour Deptt. Guest House facility by the booking procedure. The staying charges for the holiday homes of Labour Department situated at Haridwar, Mussoorie and Allahabad is @ 50/- per day per room. The staying charges for the newly opened holiday home at Shimla Rs 500/- per day per flat. This facility can be availed by serving and retired officials also.
See Complete Details Click on Pics and see lagre
Guest House Details
Friday, December 11, 2009
Plz follow this Link and Read Message of Founder President Of social development welfare society ( Regd.NGO) Mr. Naresh Lamba
Message Founder President Mr. Naresh Lamba ( SDWS)
The Aim of SDWS is to help the poor and under privileged sections of society, provide social security, development of the area, contribute towards National progress and to spread awaerness and get the backward sections of the society their rights and privileges by helping them raising their standard of living. For achiving this Aim the NGO is helping the poor children in acquiring education , making them aware about health, hygiene and their rights and duties so that they are brought to the main stream of the society.
The Aim of SDWS is to help the poor and under privileged sections of society, provide social security, development of the area, contribute towards National progress and to spread awaerness and get the backward sections of the society their rights and privileges by helping them raising their standard of living. For achiving this Aim the NGO is helping the poor children in acquiring education , making them aware about health, hygiene and their rights and duties so that they are brought to the main stream of the society.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Naresh Lamba
Organize Admission Guidance & Parenting Tips
On sunday 13 th December 2009, morning 10.00 am
Registration Time: 10 AM
Venue: A-64/Nirmala House
Palam Extension, Near ICICI Bank, Sector 7, Dwarka.
(Social Development Welfare Society)
Limited seats ... Book your seat immediately
Call now - 9871824122, 9868332778
School admission guidance*Commencement of admission process in School - 15-12-2009
*Last date of receiving of filled admission forms - 12-01-2010
*Closure of admissions - 31-03-2010
* About school admission details
* Information about schools features, facilities, quality etc.
* Criteria to judge good qualified schools/ staff
*Supporting Documents to be Produced by the Parents at the Time of Admission
*List of parameters for 20 Points
*SAMPLE Registration Form
Parenting tips
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow,
yet we forget that he is someone today. -- Stacia Tauscher
Isn’t this very true? A child is not a mini adult.
They have independent minds that think and understand.
Parenting is a skill which can be developed.
It is the most important skill to develop to be a good parent.
Parental Dilemmas, Behavioral Problems, Speech,
Language and Hearing, Fears and Anxieties, Childhood Concerns,
Social Relationships in Children, Entertaining Children, Parental Relationships
Media Partner : City Plus, Dainik Jagaran
On-Line : Dwarka Parichay
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
29 30 31/10/2009
Naresh Lamba
Gram Vikas Association Shahabad Mohd. Pur
Member Delhi Team Bhagidari Govt Of NCT Delhi
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Childrens Day
Friday 13 November
On the occasion of Children's day SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT WELFARE SOCIETY (Regd. NGO) , Sec-7 Dwarka along with children met Honb'l Chief Minister Smt Shiela Dixit at her residence.
On the occasion of Children's day SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT WELFARE SOCIETY (Regd. NGO) , Sec-7 Dwarka along with children met Honb'l Chief Minister Smt Shiela Dixit at her residence.
Vande Matram Dance perfomed by children was appreciated by distinguest guests.
CM asked about the activities of society. Sh Rattan Lal Koushik and Sh Naresh Lamba President of NGO informed the CM that these children are studying in Bal Siksha Kendra run by their NGO. Children from class I to V are given education and those who are not able to go to school for some reason are given free education.
A big portiat photo of Chacha Nehru gifted to CM from society. CM distributed chocolates to all children and gave warm shawl to NGO bal Sahyogi Anisha. President Mr. Lamba, Sh Rattan Lal Kaushik, V.President Mr. Manish Mann, Treasurer Smt.Saroj, Mr.Tarun Dabas, Mr.RAmesh Chouhan, thanked CM for sparing the moment.
After that children enjoyed at India Gate and saluted the AMAR JAWAN JYOTI.
Please Click Children Dance Vande Matarm Video at CM reridence.......
Police Public Meet Dwarka
Posted: 17 Nov 2009 07:30 PM PST M. K. Gupta The meeting was helThere is a need to unite against the crimes, said the Asstt. Commissioner of Police, M. S. Randhawa, while replying to the queries in the Police-Public meeting organized by the Dwarka Forum at Gokul Garden, Sector-7, Dwarka, in which Dainik Jagran City plus was the media partner. Mr. Randhawa said that police analyze the reasons for crime in Dwarka to find out permanent s ![]() Police is facing the shortage of manpower as 22 new police stations has started fun ![]() On the complaint of the participants against the open drinking, he said that the police has arrested about 1400 drinkers for open drinking and creating nuisance under the DP Act. This problem is acute in sector 23 and he will take necessary steps to stop this. On burglary, he stressed the need for the close interactions among the residents of the Societies and DDA pockets and neighbour watch hood scheme. He also said that the police is considering to take step for the verification of agencies providing guards and can also issue grading of these agencies. He advised the management of the societies to prevail open such agencies for providing only such guards who have been verified by the police. He also suggested that the public can also verify the residential address themselves by sending a money order of small amount at the residence of the worker and if that is taken by some one, it will confirm the correctness of the address. Apart from this, the Managements of the Societies and employers should also insist for the verification of workers working inside the societies and DDA pockets. He informed that in the past, there were over 40 weekly bazaars, which have now been brought down to 6 only. ![]() ![]() Traffic Inspector, Bishwajit has also replied the queries of the participants on the traffic management in Dwarka. He said that the traffic violators shall be booked and the Traffic Police has approved the installation 18 new traffic lights on different intersections in Dwarka. ![]() |
SSA Workshop in Dwarka Sec-6 School
Thursday 26 November 2009
Community leaders training workshop organised by SSA at Sector-6, Dwarka
A two days workshop (23rd and 24th November) was organized at Govt co ed Senior Secandary School, Sector-6, Dwarka under Sarva Sikhsa Abhiyaan , S/W Distt Nazafgarh zone 21 Kapashera -Dwarka Area. The theme was “Community leaders training workshop” and started from 9.00 AM to 12.00. Many representatives from schools ( VKS members, PTA members and local social organizations) were invited at the workshop. Some of the main invitees include
Sh. Naresh Lamba ( Chairman VKS GBSS School Shahabad Mohd Pur, Member Delhi Team-Bhagidari), Sh. Shetra Pal ( DURCC SSA – Zone-21), Sh. Sarmel (DURCC SSA – Zone-22E),
Sh. A.S. Bist ( CRCC SSA – Zone-21), Sh. Rattan Lal Kaushik ( Member Core Committee Bhagidari Distt. S/W ), Sh. Kuldeep Solanki (Chairman VKS SKV Palam) , Sh. Pokermel ( VKS SKV Palam), Sh. Rattan Singh ( VKS Govt Girls School Sahabad Mohm Pur), Sh. Prabhu Dayal ( Charman Govt. Boys Senior Sec School Pochan Pur), Sh. M.L. Mina Teacher ( Govt Boys Senior Sec School Pochan Pur) and about representative and PTA from about 20 schools attended the workshop.
On the first day of workshop Sh. Shetra Pal informed about the objectives, fund, social support by SSA. He explained the SSA 's support to schools regarding restructure, study facilities and to coordinate for development of school. To eradicate sex discrimination and discrimination for handicap and to provide education to every child upto eight class. Now in Govt schools students will not fail upto class seven. He explained about education rights:
* 4-14 years children will get mandatory education
* responsibility given to all regional schools
*This age group children must be in school
* Each child should be studied up to class 8
* In all Govt schools free education, uniform, books etc. up to 8 class.
SSA is doing a good job for betterment of Delhi Schools:
* 35-40 students should be in a class
* Construction of new room as require in school
*Provision of a Primary school in one KM radius.
* Provision of a Senior school in three KM radius.
*Mid day meal up to class eight
*Yearly 10 days SSA training for all Teachers
* Before appointment of new teacher, 10 days SSA training is necessary
*Every year Rs. 5000 to Rs12000 support as School Grant
*Rs 7500 for maintenance ad building repair
*Rs1200 help for handicap children
*Rs 450 book help for highest attendance for a student
*Rs 100 Book help for topper in each class
On second day Sh. Shetra Pal discussed in detail about life improvement with the community leaders. He explained that SSA considers Education and social work as two sides of a coin.
He explained in detail about IECKAP formula
*I – Information * E-Education * C – Communication * K - Knowledge
*A- Attitude *P - Practice
Sh Sarmal informed about the utility of VKS fund of Rs 4 lakhs given to each school. Sh Naresh Lamba raised the point to include Sanskrit in class XI at Sahabad school.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Community Leader Traning Workshop Organized By SSA ( UEE Mission )
20 and 21 Nov,2009
Palam Enclave School
20 and 21 Nov,2009
Palam Enclave School
By Naresh Lamba
Chairman (VKS Govt Boys Sen Sec School Shahabad Mohd.Pur New Delhi)
Tuesday 24 November 2009
Shri Ramesh Kumar, Hon'ble M P Shri Mahabal Mishra Hon'ble MPShri Dharamdev Solanki, MLAShri Sumesh Shokeen.
A large no of distinguished people like Sh. Ratan Lal Kaushik,
Advocate K S Bhati, Dr. Umesh Saroha, Sh. Balwan Singh Khokhar,
Sh. Naresh Lamba, Sh. Kuldeep Singh Solanki and many representatives from RWA's , NGOs and organisations. Hon'ble CM planted a ASHOKA tree at the premises of DTC bus depot and enjoyed A/C bus ride.
Sh. Nitin Solanki and representatives from RWA's also enjoyed the inaugural bus ride. During journey driver explained about the new technology system in bus. Conductor
informed about the functioning of SMART CARD system.
Tuesday 24 November 2009
Smt. Shiela Dikshit, Hon'ble Chief Minister inaugrated DTC Depot at Sector-8, Dwarka today on 24 th November. Others present at the occasion were Shri Arvinder Singh , Hon'ble Minister of Transport & Education,
Shri Ramesh Kumar, Hon'ble M P Shri Mahabal Mishra Hon'ble MPShri Dharamdev Solanki, MLAShri Sumesh Shokeen.
A large no of distinguished people like Sh. Ratan Lal Kaushik,
Advocate K S Bhati, Dr. Umesh Saroha, Sh. Balwan Singh Khokhar,
Sh. Naresh Lamba, Sh. Kuldeep Singh Solanki and many representatives from RWA's , NGOs and organisations. Hon'ble CM planted a ASHOKA tree at the premises of DTC bus depot and enjoyed A/C bus ride.
In second bus media representatives and Sh. Ratan Lal Kaushik, Sh. Naresh Lamba,
Sh. Nitin Solanki and representatives from RWA's also enjoyed the inaugural bus ride. During journey driver explained about the new technology system in bus. Conductor
informed about the functioning of SMART CARD system.
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