Naresh Lamba
Social Development Welfare Society ( Regd. NGO) organized Saheed Samman Programme on occasion of its 3rd foundation day. A large no of retired army men, defense officers, around 300 children along with residents from nearby area participated in the program. The only saheed monument in sector-7, Dwarka ( Ramphal Chawk) named after Saheed Ramphal Kajala ( 9 Mahar regiment) died in 4 th July 1999 during Kargil war. The chief guest of the occasion were family members of Saheed Ramphal wife Smt. Anita Devi, daughter Suman and other relatives were given samman. On behalf of the Society Inspector Sh. Subhash and Sh Sandeep Ahlawat facilitated family members of Saheed Ramphal.
Saheed samman march started from Bal Shisksha Centre and Kumari Anisha dressed in mother India with Indian flag lead the march. Religious heads of Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Christian along with other residents recited patriotic slogans – Bharat mata ki jai, Vande matram, Saheed Ramphal amar rahe, Hindustan jindabad and reached to Ramphal Chawk. Sh. Naresh Lamba presented woolen shawls to all religious heads.

Other prominent persons present were Chairman of the society Sh. K.S. Bhati, Vice president Sh. Manish Maan, Ankit Lamba, Sh. Ratan Lal Kaushik, Sh. Kishan Chand,Mr.Yugul Kishor Dwivedi, Brigadier R.P.Singh, Colonel Chawdhary, Wing Commander Surjit Singh Bawa, Major Sangwan and Seth Ratan Singh.
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