Awaz Confederation (voice of RWA/NGO/MTA/MEDIA)
Chief Officer : Sh Rajeev Shukla (SDM NajafGarh Sub-Division)
Sh Rattan Lal Kaushik (Mem Core Committee Bhagidari Distt S/W)
Organized By : Awaz Confederation (Regd)
(voice of RWA/NGO/MTA/MEDIA)
Date & Time : 20.02.2010 Saturday 2.00pm to 5.30 pm
Presentation : Mr.Naresh Lamba (President Confederation)
Venue : Nagrik Seva Kendra, Palam Extn, Sector-7, Dwarka
Minutes : Sh Pohkar Mal (Ex.Asst. Registrar)
Invited : Various RWA/NGO/MTA/MEDIA and People working for Development of Dwarka
Main Agendas
1) Awaz Cofederation(Regd)
(voice of RWA/NGO/MTA/MEDIA)
Off.Add: A-64 Nirmala House Palam Ext.Sec-7 Dwarka New Delhi-110075
President: Naresh Lamba (9891550792)
Provision a good Public Library in Dwarka.
2) Jai Dadadev Adarsh Welfare Association (Regd.) Associated By Bhagidari Govt Of NCT Delhi, 626A, Near Khari Kuon, Chhotiyal Village Palam New Delhi-110045
President. Sh Kuldip Singh Solanki ( 9911227745)
• Presence of lady security staff at palam school no 2 & 3 , when girls from schools
move to their home after school is over.
* To remove 4 trees in the school premises - posing threat to the students.
* Metro feeder bus should go upto Palam railway station.
* Name of RWA should not be disclosed that provide information of Illegal construction, encroachment etc.
3) Residents Welfare Association Palam Ext.Part-1
(Settled under 20 points programme by delhi Administration,Delhi)
B-288 Palam Ext. Part-1 Sec-7 Dwarka New Delhi-110077
President : Hariom Gupta ( 9212662752)
• Open drain in front of Brahma Society.
• NO cover at seiver in front of flat A-36
• Garbage dump at A-block

Dwarka Parichay
• In the morning time abd after school is over, traffic staff shoul be posted to check / guide students on cycle to avoid accidents.
• Regular Road safety awarness campaign for school students
• Iron grill at the divider of Main Dwarka road
• Repair broken Directional boards
• The JEEVAN scheme of Delhi Govt. is very helpful for payment of various bills at one place. The water bill of DDA shoul be included in JEEVAN services.
Social Development Welfare Society (Regd.NGO)
Off.A-64 Palam Ext Sec-7 Dwarka New Delhi-110075
Gram Vikas Association Shahabad Mohd.Pur (Associated Bhagidari Govt Of NCT Delhi) 241, VPO Shahabad Mohd,Pur New Delhi-110061
President : Naresh Lamba (9891550792)
Repair of large stretch of broken road going from Metro sector-9 to metro sector-8.
6) Tez Ram Foundation(Regd.NGO)
RZ-39HStreet no.6 Dada Chhatri wala marg, Raj Nagar Ist Palam Colony New Delhi-110045, Gen.Secretary : Sh Satish Saroha (9868268049)
• Proper cemented speed breaker at Palam flyover
7) Baba Ambedkar Social Welfare And Samaj Kalyaan Samiti (Regd)
(Associated Bhagidari Govt.of NCT Delhi)
WZ-37, Palam Part-II,Nasirpur road New Delhi-110045
Gen Secretary: Sh Attar Singh (01125032285)
Provision of red light below Palam flyover to avoid accidents.
8) Maulana Rahi -9717316337
Madarsa Miftahul – Uloom, C-206 Sec-7 ,J.J.Colony Dwarka New Delhi-110075
• Cleaning of seiver near J.J.Colony and to cover them.
• Implementation of cheap wheat and dal in Bhagidari scheme of Delhi Govt. in J J Colony.
• Proper Drinking water in J J Colony
9) Retd.Major T.R.Sangwan
D-993 Palam Ext.Sec-7 Dwarka New Delhi-110075
Ramphal Chowk To Shiksha Bhartri Public School road require immediate Repaired .
10) Ekta Residance Welfare Association
Pocket 1&2 ,Sec-3 Dwarka New Delhi-11007
Vice-President Mrs.Madhuri Varshney
• Plantation of trees on the road divider from families of Palm/Dates trees which required less water and carry themselves in hot season.
• All the bushes of bogenvelia should be kept small on the divider so that vehicles from the opposite side can be seen. Divider on the road can be covered with small angel iron structure and proper space should be given for crossing the road (not as done before, cemented grill for stopping people from crossing the road which was spoiled by public.,
• Where plantation of tress is not possible we can keep big potted ornamental plant.
• Public utility services should be provided by MCD after every 2 km so that commuters/public effectively use those facilities and revenue can be generated.
• Regular pick-up for garbages from the dustbin provided by MCD/DSW outside every society.
• Proper utilization of open land for parking till it is operational for which is proposed.

11) Satya Narayan Vashishth
General Secratary,
Fedration of CGHS & DDA RWA's,
Flat no.140 DDA SFS Sector 9, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077
(M) 9810224033
• It is common in the surroundings of Sector 9 Dwarka and its streets garbage Heep's are found and the local civic body even do not have system to remove the garbage, which may cause epidemic. Even stray dogs are found but MCD is not bothered to remove them. Parks are abandoned and have become shelter for criminals and bad elements in the evening many unknown person are found sitting in these abandon parks drinking liquor with prostitutes.
Please do needful and convey our grievances to the concern authorities.
12) Amitava, Phone: 9899610531
A sewage drain infront of our house seems to be choked and the sewage drain water is leaking out creating a bad patch outside out house. Also there are 02 colleges and a hospital at the vicinity and more so over its a main road where most of the movement happen to be on to and from Amberai Village. Request you to kindly look into the matter urgently as the same is erupting a fowl smell. Please help us... The address is opposite B - 231, Near Axis Bank ATM Amberai Village Sector 19.
13) Sh. M.K.Gupta (Dwarka Forum) 9810550172
1034 Pkt-3 Sec-10 DDA Flat Dwarka New Delhi-110075
Dangerous road: On the slop of Bridge over drain near Shahajanabad Society Sec-11, there is a deep pit which is posing danger to the vehicles. Road should be repaired here immediately.
14) Air Force and Naval Officer’s CGHS ltd.
Plot no.11 Sec-7 Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
Hony. secretary Gp Capt(Retd) Mr.Ajit Singh & President Brig (Retd) Mr.V.K.Saxena
• The residents of this society have long felt the need for establishing a well stocked modern library at a central palace in Dwarka.
• A plot of land ear for Housing Area Facility (HAF) is laying in undeveloped state. The locals are using it as cattle yard. The area is low laying resulting in accumulation of rain water which in turn becomes a breeding source of mosquitoes and flies. It is an eye shore and causing grave risk to the residents of Air Force and Naval Officers enclave, Plot no11 Sec-7 Dwarka.
• You are requested to please direct DDA authorities to have the area cleaned periodically, remove encroachments and develop HAF as planned.
• There is 20 meter wide road in the east of Society. The road has been blocked by an illegally constructed building. You are requested to have the building removed.
• A small DDA park adjoining our society is not being maintained properly. You are requested to direct the maintain the park.